It’s incredibly meaningful for our children to know that they are loved and valued in this world. That they have not been forgotten or abandoned by God. Your financial investment in their lives means more to them than you will ever know.
The Cost of Sponsorship
For $60.00 a month you can provide one of these orphaned children:
3 meals a day
a safe place to sleep
primary education
clothing & school supplies
medical attention
social & emotional care
spiritual guidance
As you can see, the Home ministers to the whole child - his or her physical, mental, social and spiritual needs.
What Child Sponsorhip means to a child...
Each morning the children have the privilege of attending school. They are able to learn because they had a good night of sleep and their stomachs are full.
Each afternoon when they return to the home, they are able to play instead of searching for food; they are able to do laundry because they have clothes to wear; and they are able to bathe because they have access to clean water. They are able to talk to one of their parents (our staff) about things that troubled them during the day.
Each evening they have food to eat dinner. They have electricity so they can do their homework and study after dark. During morning and evening devotions they learn that God loves them, He created them with purpose and He has a plan for their sweet lives. Here they are taught to embrace each day as a gift from God and they sing praises to their Heavenly Father with hearts full of gratitude. Here, they can go to sleep peacefully because they feel safe, loved and are secure knowing they will be loved tomorrow too.