As you might imagine, running a household of 124 children and 11 staff members has its challenges. Just as with your home, our home needs to be maintained, including things like painting, updating electrical systems, and rebuilding structures that are failing.
We are also constantly looking for ways to create sustainable projects that will serve to benefit the children long term. Things like the bore hole for clean water and the planting of a garden for fresh vegetables. Below is a list of our top priorities for 2024 and beyond.
Demolish and construct a new Girl's dormitory. The current structure is beginning to fail.
Build a Fence/Perimeter wall around the entire home, and new gates with security rooms and a washroom
Rebuild walls and fences that have recently failed due to heavy rains this November.
Provide solar garden lights with motion sensors around the home
Upgrade the dining hall roof, ceiling, and tables
Repair the Boy's dormitory roof (i.e iron sheets)
Construct a Garden Store
Purchase a new car for the home. Possibly a double cabin truck
Provide required maintenance for the home's existing buildings
Purchase perimeter fence for borehole